Submit Your Prayer Requests
“In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” – Psalm 5:3
Prayer is a belief that God can be petitioned to intervene in the laws of nature as well as a multitude of ways in the everyday lives of His people. Prayer is vital to the life of the believer.
The United Basel Mission Church Council is blessed to conduct the, ‘Early Morning Prayer’ at 5 am every day via Zoom. By God’s grace, the prayer sessions are held continuously for more than 700 days, and God is really touching the lives of the people for whom we are praying and also those who are participating in the morning prayer. We receive prayer requests from all over the world, besides our UBM church members and other churches. Every day people share their testimonies of how God miraculously worked in their lives. Around 55 to 60 regular ‘Prayer Warriors’, participate in the morning prayer.
May the blessings reach out to many through this morning prayer and may it be a small service in building the kingdom of God. We thank God for His goodness.
Please complete the prayer request form and your prayer request will be delivered to our prayer team to be prayed daily. We are here to share your burden and intercede on your behalf.
The PRAYER MINISTRY is led by a Team of Pastors Namely:
1. Convenor – Rev. Godfrey Soans
2. Rev. Divakara
3. Rev. Kamal Kashyap
4. Pas. Purshotham K.