“Worship the LORD with joy” – Psalm 100:2
Those who worked for Naval Dockyard, Godrej, C.I.B.A., Bombay Telephones, etc. came to live in Vikhroli as early as the 1950’s. By 1952-53 about ten families were residing at Naval Dockyard Colony and Mr. Gideon Maben took the initiative to assemble these families every Saturday in his house for Prayer Fellowship. Rev. G. Vedamuthu and Rev. B.J. Kunder would conduct these meetings once every three months. In their absence, local lay preachers conducted the meetings. Sunday School was also started here by Mrs. Felisitas Maben. Mr. Josiah P. Ashwal and his wife Mrs. Alice Ashwal started Sunday School at their home in Vikhroli Village.
On December 21, 1965, under the dynamic leadership of Rev. G. Vedamuthu the Local Presbytery was formed in the house of Mr. Alexander C. Furtado. The very Presbytery of U.B.M. Church, Vikhroli, comprised of the following Elders: Mr. Penuel D. Kunder, Mr. J. Walter Karkada and Mr. Charles C. Amanna.
Later, When Mr. Nathaniel Salins left Bombay for hometown sometime in 1965, the U.B.M. Church Council, purchased his room. From then on, Sunday services, Sunday School prayer fellowship, choir and carol practices were held in this room. The U.B.M. Church Council purchased the Prayer Hall in Vijaya House. On April 14, 1968, Rev. J. B. Satyavrata dedicated this Prayer Hall to the glory of God. The previous room where the congregation used to meet was converted into parsonage.
For several years from its inception, the Church at Vikhroli was referred to as U.B.M. Church, Vikhroli. However, in the year 2017, which was marked as the Golden Jubilee year, the name U.B.M. Christa Aaradhana Church, Vikhroli was given. On 21st December, 2017 as a mark of commemorating the 50 Years of the Presbytery formation, the dedication stone was laid with this name. The following year on 14th April, 2018 the Golden Jubilee of the Church was celebrated.