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The bond of union among all these Churches is the unity of the evangelical confession, of Church institutions and Christian order of life. Therefore, they have all the same catechism, the liturgy of Hindustan United Basel Mission Church and the same order of divine service. The confession of faith of this United church is as follows :-

  • We believe in God’s Revelation in Jesus Christ as contained in the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments which we hold to be the inspired Word of God and the old infallible rule and standard in the determination of the Church’s doctrine in the regulation of her practice, in the teaching of her clergy and in the homes of her people.
  • We accept as important testimonies drawn from the Holy Scripture the articles of the Apostles’ Creed and those of the Nicene Creed as well as the shorter catechism of Luther.
  • In particular we accept and believe in the Scriptural doctrines restored, re-emphasized and declared at the Reformation, viz., that of justification by faith alone as against every work – righteousness on man’s part; the universal priesthood of believers as against every kind of priestly or saintly mediation barring the free access of man to God through Christ; and the spiritual nature of the Christian religion as against multiplied outward ordinances and ceremonies and every form of ecclesiasticism.
  • Holding sin to be no more weakness or defect of human nature but a positive rebellion of the human will against the will of God creating an unbridgeable gulf between Man and God, We believe that man is saved from sin by grace through faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God.
  • We believe in the Scriptural testimony to the life, death and resurrection of Christ as the redemptive act of God, and accept Christ, God incarnate, as the Redeemer – the final absolute and sufficient Saviour of mankind, who through His death and resurrection has accomplished the work of redemption, and to whose second advent we are looking forward when He will judge the quick and the dead and consummate His redemption.
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit who has called us through the Word of God into His Church, the Church Universal, the congregation of believers, and who is guiding us to a right understanding of God’s Word and will and renewing us day by day in true repentance and obedience.
  • We confess that God had united us in this His Church to be His witnesses and servants in spreading His Gospel in this land of ours.